A belated thanks to everyone who visited at Detroit Fanfare! It was a blast! Some news! Apooka books are now available at all the Comic City stores and at Vault of Midnight in Ann Arbor. Jon and I may be doing a signing in the near future at another local favorite. Details to come. I've also finally gotten my DeviantArt going so if you're around for that please check it out! Hope all is well oh and Happy Veteran's Day to all the veterans out there!
Hey All! Sorry haven't posted it's been a busy month (more on that in a moment). I'm sharing table 85 with Justin Castaneda at Detroit Fanfare this weekend! So if you're in the neighborhood please stop by and say hi! The big news is that the Apooka sequel "Apooka the World's Most Adorable Zombie Goes to the Park" is debuting this weekend. Hot off the presses and assembled at the show! We're not afraid to get dirty in the trenches. If you can't make it to the show we'll have some available for sale at the Apooka store soon.
SPXPO 2010 has come and gone! Already? Wow. SPX is like X-Mas. You spend what seems like forever getting ready for it, getting ready for things to give away and the anticipation for all the cool things you will receive. Then it's over and you start preparing for the next one.
I had a fantastic time at this years show. It was great to see all the old faces from last year and meet some cool new faces. Unfortunately I only took one photo during the show of myself (with fake beard) and Marianne, (of the wildly entertaining Lumberjack book/fake beard fame, see last years SPXPO). I'll be posting some of the cool things I picked up since there's too much to mention at this time.
Howdy all! I can't believe SPX is almost here! Just wanted to let you know I'll be with Apooka at SPX in section Section G9 – 10B. If you're in the neighborhood, please stop by and say hi!
Had a great time at Chicago Comic Con this weekend. Thank you to all the awesome people who picked up a drawing, print, or a copy of Apooka, The World's Most Adorable Zombie! It was great to meet all of you! It was a full weekend of hanging out with Joe Foo, eating Chicago style pizza, lots of Subway sandwiches, meeting cool people like Little Brass Bird, Mike Boldt, Mike White, and even a slightly strange autograph encounter with James Marsters.
I haven't updated in a long long while. I've been ridiculously busy lately. Not sure doing what, I don't feel like I've accomplished much lately. I feel like I'm in the some rut and then I get out only to get into another rut again. I will be at SPACE in Columbus, OH April 24th-25th with my partner in crime Joe Foo. I can't wait, it's hard to sleep at night I'm so excited. Here's some new art, an Apooka illustration and a painting from a book I worked on with my dad, The Trains of Christmas. Hope you enjoy!